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Friday, April 13, 2007

Where are the Essa Eggs Mommy?

Shannon's favorite food used to be scrambled eggs with cheese; that no longer cuts the mustard! Now she wants Essa Eggs for all meals and snacks in between. We have been very carefully teaching Shannon that you get what you want only if you ask nicely...she has interpreted this as you ALWAYS get what you want as long as you ask nicely: how do you resist "but I said PLEASE Mommy" There ought to be some emotion-armouring potion that Mommies can take to ward off the cuteness of the little angels!
Nonetheless this is what Easter morning looked like for Sean and I:

As I said: how can you resist!
Yes she did get to eat most of them - though I still have far too many marshmallow eggs in the (new fullsized and no longer having to use a bar fridge) fridge so if anyone fancies a cuppa and some choccie PLEASE pop in!

1 comment:

frenchrowe said...

And why resist such a cutie??!!!