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Saturday, June 30, 2007

Sunny Days or S.A.D. Days!

What is it with the effect the weather has on me? And I know I am not alone! There are some (strange) people out there who love the cold weather and overcast days... and rain... but I think that maybe they have some other kind of disorder? I am firmly placed in the (rather larger) group of people who need blue skies and sunshine (and preferably warmth) in order to continue to function even at a basic level! I am told this is called Seasonally Affected Disorder ... I call it NORMAL! Who in their right mind really wants to be stuck indoors because the chance of hypothermia is too great to venture outdoors! I am the first to admit that there is something BEAUTIFUL about a dark and thunderous tropical storm, but they only last a few hours at most...perpetually grey overcast skies have nothing on the uplifting beauty of sunny, blue sky! ROLL ON SUMMER - and long may it last when it gets here!

1 comment:

Aunty Em's said...

Peter says that those of us born in the year of the snake are actually coldblooded and that's why we get so bloody cold and miserable and generally not happy at all (SAD) at this time of year. Not to mention scaly skinned...